For information on the Shungite Reality Foundation and what you can do to support the Bees and help end the Sixth Extinction Event - CLICK Shungite and the Bees by N.L. Hopkins July 18, 2019 THE SIXTH EXTINCTION Did you know humanity and the planet are experiencing the “Sixth Extinction Event”? Scientists have identified five previous mass extinction with 75-96% loss of life starting 375 million years ago. So it is likely Earth will keep going, but a large portion of humanity and species of animals and plants and microorganisms will simply disappear. The areas that survive will be those where man’s technological death is not present. This extinction event is all man made. It is directly attributable to the proliferation of WiFi systems. Animals, plants and microorganisms are vanishing at an astounding rate. Well known is the loss of large animal species - but this is associated with loss of habitat and other factors. What was being missed was the total destruction of insects and microorganisms. This article focuses only on the honey bees, as proof to my claims and as a demonstration of the power of Shungite to protect them from WiFi signals. The honey bee is on the verge of extinction and in many regions there is a 90% loss. The Royal Geographical Society of London concluded that bees are the most important living being on the planet. 70% of plants need the bee’s pollination to survive. Animals need the plants to survive. Where goes the bee go we all. The Federal Institute of Technology of Switzerland has pointed to WiFi frequencies as the problem. They are only one organization among many making this connection. WHY IS EMF/WIFI RADIATION DAMAGING? Everything on Earth has a specific vibration or frequency. All humans, animals, plants and insects have a certain vibration field which has to be maintained at specific levels to remain healthy. NASA and other space agencies have been using frequency generators for decades to protect astronauts while they are away from Earth's natural frequency source. Astronauts’ physical and mental health deteriorated while in outer space, away from the Schumann Resonance (Earth’s frequency). This problem was solved by introducing the "Schumann Simulator" into all space shuttles, a magnetic pulse generator broadcasting the Earth's natural frequency. Unfortunately today's technologies, such as computer monitors, laptops, TV's, radios, microwave ovens, WiFi routers, smart meters and cell-phones all use electromagnetic waves in order to function. We live in a environment polluted with electromagnetic energy. This unnatural energy does have negative effects on minds and neurological systems in humans and animals. There is irrefutable scientific proof many mental and physical ailments are directly linked to EM/WiFi/RF radiation. These frequencies are also extremely harmful to the bees. When the bees vibration field or frequency is disharmonious, their meridian clocks are disturbed, immunity is compromised, natural recovery and rejuvenation abilities are reduced & overall wellness can drop. This was seen when there was only 3G WiFi systems. This breakdown in the bees makes them more susceptible to diseases, pests and chemical toxins. But in areas with high power WiFi radiation, the Colony Collapse Disorder began flourishing. Hives were deserted for no apparent reason. The following comes from one test conducted: “Exposure to Cell Phone Radiations Produces Biochemical Changes in Worker Honey Bees” by Neelima R. Kumar, Sonika Sangwan and Pooja Badotra. This report was looking specifically at “...the metabolic changes with respect to proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids in hemolymph of worker honeybee.” The real goal was to determine health damages from cell phones. The researchers chose the honeybee because, “Honeybees are reliable indicators of environmental status and...are the best experimental animals to study the effect of electromagnetic waves.” They subjected the bees to 40 minutes of two identical phones on the same network connected while one was playing a recording and the other listening. While absolutely seeing changes in what they were looking at, maybe the best observation is this: It was interesting to note that during the present study as the exposure time increased, it appeared that the bees having assessed the source of the disturbance decided to move and a large scale movement of the workers toward the talk-mode (not toward the listening mobile) was observed. Also, the bees became slightly aggressive and started beating their wings in agitation. - “Exposure to Cell Phone Radiations Produces Biochemical Changes in Worker Honey Bees” by Neelima R. Kumar, Sonika Sangwan and Pooja Badotra Swiss researcher Daniel Favre made the connection to WiFi and bee decline back in 2009. In his study Favre placed cell phones in Honey Bee hives and observed what happened when the phones were active, inactive, powered down, or ringing. As soon as the phone was ringing or active the bees reacted in confusion and moved to leave the hive with the phone. For 12 hours after the phone was off, the bees were demonstrating the same confusion and desire to run. Another experiment showed the dramatic conclusion of a phone in a hive. “In one experiment, it was found that when a mobile phone was kept near a beehive it resulted in a collapse of the colony in 5 to 10 days,” says Favre, “with the worker bees failing to return home, leaving the hives with just queens, eggs, and hive-bound immature bees.” (- this is called “Colony Collapse Disorder or CCD.) Favre and his team at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology conducted 83 separate tests to observe the bees reaction to cellphone signals. The reaction came down to an increase in worker piping noise that normally signals the bees to leave the hive. But instead of a swarm of bees due to the hive becoming over populated, the bees appeared confused and disoriented. Favre’s study confirmed an earlier 2008 study concluding the bees would not return to a hive if the cellphone was nearby and operating. The obvious conclusion is bees react to EMF/WiFi signals. If the signals are targeting the hive, the bees leave. The fact there is a correlation between the proliferation of the cellular technology and the Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) is not surprising. In a CCD situation, the worker bees do not return to the hive where the queen, a few nurse bees, immature bees, larvae and food are just abandoned. Technology authorities will tell you this CCD and loss of bees is not WiFi. And cases are made all the time that it is chemical toxins and climate change. Dr. Sainudeen Sahib.S Associate Professor, PG & Research Dept. Of Zoology, S.N.College, Kollam, Kerala in India presented a report in 2010 entitled “Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) Clashes with Honey Bees”. He is considered an Indian Government expert on the possible impact of mobile towers on living beings. Dr. Sainudeen Sahib.S, as we have, turned to the honey bee to test his fears of WiFi radiation. Dr. Sainudeen Sahib.S points to the fact bees have been in existence for at least 100 million years. Science confirms there have been similar planet wide climate change heating caused by a build up of CO2. And past examples of rapid carbon emissions (just like today) were generally highly destructive to life on Earth. As happening now, those abrupt temperature changes resulted in mass extinctions. But the bees have survived. Today they are on the brink of extinction. So climate change does not seem to be the source of the bee extinction threat. And the other put forth culprit of chemical assault also does not work. The die off is too widespread and too connected to areas with WiFi proliferation to be chemically induced. Bees and other insects have survived and evolved complex immune system on this planet over a span of millions of years. It is not logical that they would now suddenly die out now due to diseases and natural parasites. This suggests another factor has been introduced to their environment that disrupts their immune system. This man made factor is the mobile towers and mobile phones. New experiments suggests a strong correlation between population decline and cellular equipment. . The massive amount of radiation produced by towers and mobile phones is actually frying the navigational skills of the honey bees and preventing them from returning back to their hives. The thriving hives suddenly left with only queens, eggs and hive bound immature worker bees. Thus electromagnetic radiation exposure provides a better explanation for Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) than other theories. The path of CCD in India has followed the rapid development of cell phone towers, which cause atmospheric electromagnetic radiation. Insects and other small animals would naturally be the first to obviously be affected by this increase in ambient radiation since naturally they have smaller bodies and hence less flesh to be penetrated by exposure to microwaves. The behavioral pattern of bees alters when they are in close proximity to mobile phones and towers. The vanished bees are never found, but thought to die singly far from home. Bee keepers told that several hives have been abruptly abandoned. If towers and mobile phones increase the honey bees might be wiped out in ten years. Radiation of 900 MHz is highly bioactive, causing significant alternation in the physiological function of living organisms - Dr. Sainudeen Sahib.S: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES Volume 1, No 5, 2011 The study used 3 control hives without mobile phones while 3 test hives were subjected to WiFi radiation. For ten days, for ten minutes per day the 3 test hives were radiated with 900 MHz from a standard cell phone. The response was determined by counting eggs and monitoring how many worker bees left and returned to the hive every minute. These figures were compared to data before and after exposure to WiFi. The results are summarized as: 3. Results
The results of the studies are presented in Table. The present study showed that after ten days the worker bees never returned hives in the test colonies. The massive amount of radiation produced by mobile phones and towers is actually frying the navigational skills of the honey bees and preventing them from returning back to their hives. It was shown that the total bee strength was significantly higher in the control colonies being nine comb frames as compared to one in the test colony at the end of the experiment. The thriving hives suddenly left with only queens, eggs and hive bound immature worker bees. The queens in the test colonies produced fewer eggs/day (100) compared to the control (350). It has previously been reported that there is low egg laying rate in queens exposed to high voltage transmission lines or exposure of the queen bees to cell phone radiation stimulated her to produce only drones. Thus electromagnetic radiation (EMR) exposure provides a better explanation for Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) than other theories. To make the point: There was no CCD prior to activation of the WiFi for 10 minutes over 10 days. After the WiFi radiation the hives were abandoned. So much for chemical poisoning as the source of CCD. It is WiFi and the entire spectrum of telecommunications systems that are the direct cause of the near extinction of the honey bees. Think logically! There was no CCD before WiFi, in this experiment and in the world. But, just as drastic as the loss of life in a WiFi environment for the bees, in a Shungite Environment there is only hive expansion and no loss of life due to CCD, disease of any kind nor losses attributed to parasites. SHUNGITE 3.5 billion years ago life began on Earth. Ten million years later Earth was struck by a meteor that landed in what is now Western Russia in an area called Karelia. That deposit of a mineral mixture is called Shungite after the small town in the area called Shunga. It looks like a coal deposit stretching a 1,000 square kilometers up to 400 feet deep. Shungite has been proven to detoxify water, soil and air. It also negates radiation in the form of natural and nuclear radiation and electro-magnetic radiation. I own an American Internet Radio Station and spent hours relating research we were doing on Shungite, particularly in regards to limiting the damage of WiFi. Derek and Maureen Condit heard our radio programs discussing Shungite, WiFi and bees and began a research project. Within a month Derek and I were in contact. It was Spring 2017. If bees do not want something on or near the hive, they simply move it out of the way. The Honey Bees given Shungite nuggets by their caretaker Derek Condit liked their Shungite so much, they glued the 3 nuggets to the hive using Propolis. And going in or out of the hive, the bees would walk over to the Shungite nuggets and rub up against them. By the end of season, the bees continual rubbing had worn the nuggets down to shapes of little mountains. So what happened? Beginning 5/20/17 in an 11 week time frame, the first 2 hives went from 50,000 bees to an estimated half-million bees in a total of 8 hives and unknown amount of swarmed bees in the wild. There was also no disease, mites or Colony Collapse; although, neighboring apiaries reported both Nosema disease and Varroa mites. Here is the summary of the sequence of events: 5/20/17: Three Shungite Nuggets were placed in the right-side entrance of two beehives. The bees from Derek’s first hives the year before had not survived the winter. Starting again with two new hives and new bees, Derek added 3 medium sized Shungite nuggets to the right side of the hive entrance. At no time were any chemicals used. 6/1/17: Derek noticed both hives beginning to exhibit signs of swarming, regardless that there was an empty box with empty frames on top of the brood box (so there was room for expansion). After opening the top of the hive, Derek found both hives making queen bee cells. It was appx 3 weeks after receiving the nuggets that hive #1 produced queens. It takes around 3 weeks for a queen to be produced, so it appears the queens were begun approximately the time the nuggets were introduced. Derek made preparations for the expansion of the hives by building 4 new hives. By moving frames filled with honey or eggs and bees into the new hives, the 2 starting hives were now 6 hives. Queens from the original two hives were born into a Shungite environment and are considered the first generation Shungite Bee. Their babies were the first generation conceived and born with Shungite. Before building the 4 new hives, Derek decided to add Shungite Bee Powder to one of the hives. The powder was placed in 2 small plastic trays with .75g in each, at the entrance of beehive #1 only. Approximately 2-3hours later 90% of the powder had been carried away by the bees, who had begun walking through it immediately. 6/24/17: Approximately 3 weeks after Shungite Bee Powder was introduced to hive #1 queens were again being produced. This time they swarmed before Derek could respond to the massive expansion in the hive. He had to capture the swarm or ball of bees and put it into another newly constructed hive. A second swarm was also captured and there were now 8 hives. In the next few weeks the bees continued expanding and swarming into the surrounding environment. In the wild the Shungite Bees helped strengthen other bee communities. As the cooler Fall weather began settling in, the birth rate of the bees declined. By the time winter arrived, Derek had consolidated the smaller bee community into 5 hives. Derek estimated the original hives of 50,000 bees had expanded to 500,000 bees recaptured into hives and another 500,000 into the wild. This was accomplished in 11 weeks with 3 Shungite nuggets on each hive and three applications of Shungite Bee Powder. This first Shungite apiary was on rented property. In February Derek bought a uniquely perfect property with a house and three, garage size, metal buildings on it. It is located in the middle of the Cascade Mountains, Washington State, US. The new apiary was situated inside one of the buildings, with the openings of the hive up against slits in the metal walls. By Spring 2018 due to natural losses during winter, Derek had one Shungite hive from the 2017 season. Derek ordered nooks of bees from California to start two additional hives. These bees were sick and contaminated with chemical treatments. The small nooks that are like small hives to start full sized hives were stained with chemicals and diarrhea from sick bees. The bees were very aggressive. The new hives were set up with Shungite nuggets next to the one remaining 2017 Shungite hive. Over a period of a couple of weeks, Derek replaced the dirty hive frames with new frames and the aggression of the new bees disappeared. All was going extremely well. The new hives thrived along with the original Shungite community. But in 2018 Derek was being inundated with requests to talk about Shungite Beehives and essentially could not keep up with the swarming bees. This 2018 Shungite Beehives season turned out to be an excellent demonstration for what happens when a million bees enter the surrounding environment. As the Condits were new to the town, neighbors made sure to point out that the vast amounts of foliage, fruit and flowers were not normal. In fact, the amount of produce and its quality was something “new”. Old apple trees were so full of fruit limbs broke. The best story was about the wild grapes. The roots are in the neighbor’s yard but the grape vine is all over the fence and in Derek’s yard. The neighbor warned Derek that the local moonshiner would be checking the grapes out. He never used them as they were small, dry and were not worthy enough to make good moonshine. When the moonshiner did show up after sundown...well it was a bit tense at first until Derek realized who it was and then there was just friendship. Moonshiner was amazed at the grapes which were at least three times as big and sweet and tasty. Derk wished him well on his moonshine endeavors, grateful the grapes were gone, because the dogs liked to eat them and grapes are not good for dogs. Derek’s 2017 and 2018 experiences from simply adding Shungite nuggets to the hives resulted in no losses of any abnormal kind. There were no CCD, mites nor disease, although neighboring apiaries had both. And during the winter between the two seasons, three of the five hives survived an abnormally cold winter with abnormal amounts of snow. No other beekeeper reported any of their hives surviving. In addition the Shungite Bees had a population expansion that is way beyond normal. What this demonstrated was confirmation for what had been known about Shungite for hundreds of years. Shungite transmutes toxins and provides an environment for enhanced health. Our research determined this phenomena was due to Shungite’s powerful energy field that overpowered other forms of energy from a toxic molecule, a radioactive ion or most electromagnetic signals. The result was a change in rotation of the toxic fields. Molecules could not make the adjustment and the molecule lost molecular cohesion falling apart into harmless atoms. EM/WiFi signals simply reversed the rotation of the signal from harmful to biocompatible. THE SHUNGITE BEEHIVES As an Internet Radio host and guest, the message of Shungite could be taken to thousands of listeners. While not always speaking Shungite, it was certainly our favorite subject. When Derek and the bees entered the story, we immediately designated him “The Bee Guy” and put him on the radio to share his Shungite Bees stories. As I write this it is the July 2019. There are Shungite Beehives worldwide. We only know about a sample of how many may be using Shungite with their bees. Derek is regularly invited to other countries to talk about the Shungite Bees. There may be failures somewhere but we have only heard from one beekeeper who said their bees knocked the Shungite nuggets off the hive. Every other report confirms the same results as Derek got. While the 2018 Shungite hives survived a brutal winter, a false spring killed them. The weather got warm and the bees broke the bee ball that had kept the queen and a healthy number of worker bees alive during the cold. The workers went to work and then the cold returned. Without protection from the bee ball, they were suddenly all lost to cold. The point here is that it was Nature not Man that killed the bees. The Shungite Bees, could they talk, would testify Shungite saved them from Colony Collapse Disorder where EM/WiFi radiation “fried” their navigation systems. It also protected them from a collapse of their immune systems that fought all diseases and subsequent weakening. Strong bees can take care of mites. By Spring 2019, Shungite Beehives are worldwide. We know of one University with an ongoing research project looking at Shungite and the bees. Conclusion Honey Bees are kept and counted, providing proof Shungite nuggets can protect them from toxic WiFi of the current 4G systems. If this is true certainly other forms of life would also be protected in a Shungite Environment. How can we quickly help all forms of nature survive until humanity wakes up to the insanity of dirty technology? There are other ways of allowing us the communications we are now accustomed to that can be applied to turn around the Sixth Extinction. Among alternative systems is fiberoptic. We do not have to continue down this WiFi death march that will be a race if 5G is allowed to be introduced. And please note: we are NOT talking about Shungite in a 5G environment. This is an entirely different situation. THE SHUNGITE WORLD GRID People worldwide are putting Shungite nuggets in tens of thousands of places. There is an internet world map depicting a sampling of those locations having over 100,000 visits. Many more are just spreading Shungite and not reporting. Is this a trend that will falter and fade away? Not likely as it has been ongoing since 2014 and just keeps growing. But is it enough to simply spread Shungite nuggets throughout the world to stop the Sixth Extinction? Well maybe yes...if we take another look at the bees. Every bee has but one objective: work to make the hive thrive. Their entire world is the beehive. For mankind the hive is planet Earth. Unlike the bee, humans claim no responsibility for maintaining anything more than their family. We will not survive apart. A honey bee cannot survive alone. The hive cannot survive through the winter cold without coming together in a ball, where shared body heat keeps the hive going until the warmth of spring. Humanity is on the brink of unprecedented cold. The biosphere of Earth is collapsing as WiFi destroys the microorganisms in the soil, along with the plants and all types of insects due to their physical structures being more prone to EMF damage. When the insects die there follows a cascading collapse as larger and larger animals starve to death. Think of the food chain disappearing from the lower to the top and at the top is the human species. In two days humanity will mark 50 years since a man stepped on the moon. The plaque that was left says "Here men from the planet Earth first set foot upon the Moon July 1969, A.D. We came in peace for all mankind." We should give this some thought. There has never been one day of peace in those 50 years upon this fragile, blue marble, as Earth was called by those who saw her so far away in a vast galaxy. They could see Earth as one entity, in all its glory. Buckminster Fuller called it “Spaceship Earth” and asked why we would destroy the spaceship. I ask why are we destroying the hive? We have forsaken our responsibilities to strive to make the hive thrive. Our survival depends upon us viewing Life in a different way. Instead of greed and lust for power dictating our reality we must turn to a reality where Nature is of paramount importance. The Hive must thrive if we are to grow into the peaceful people the 50 year old moon plaque alludes to. We must move away from the concept of service to self to one of service to the hive, service to Earth . Democracy is where individual freedoms are up held. Communism/Socialism emphasizes the group is paramount. Fascism/Totalitarianism puts an elite above anyone who is not one of them. We need a new way of operating. We need something like “Naturalism”, where what is good for Nature is good for the group and the individual and where there is no elite focused on destruction and control. And this new mind set is starting to spread. Perhaps the most powerful aspect to both the bees and Shungite is their ability to draw people together. People researching Shungite suddenly find themselves waking up to the Sixth Extinction. People desperate to find a way to stop the biosphere collapse end up looking at Shungite Beehives. Some would say this sounds like striving for a “hive mind” where everyone is controlled by it. I counter we already live in a hive minded society dictating what we should think and who is our enemy. “That guy over there is your enemy. Go kill him.” And off the armies go. “Your god is better than their god, hate them.” Well that is just stupid. Who cares as long as both Gods are loving entities? “You are nothing if you are not rich, famous and/or in control of someone”. How did that work out for you? And then you have myself and all those others saying, “Ah, something is very wrong here and you might want to look around.” Well they are crazy...everything is just fine,” you tell yourself. And that is when I hear “insanity vs humanity” cruising through my mind. Some will say we are encountering a final battle between Good and Evil. Maybe. Or maybe we are just being forced to grow up and take responsibility. The insanity has gone on way too long. The sociopaths running the hive are leading us to destruction. Time to take our power back - one Shungite nugget at a time. For the last three years Shungite Bees have told their story and shown Shungite can protect them. People spreading Shungite throughout the world are on the mission to prove Shungite can also reverse the currently unfolding Sixth Extinction Event. My team of Shungite researchers have developed Shungite based energy devices clearing toxins from huge bodies of water and taking radiation out of the air. Shungite has taught us to dream big as our potentials are infinite. Again I think of those astronauts hurtling between Earth and the Moon 50 years ago. The vehicles containing them were run by computers as sophisticated as today’s watches, if that. Theirs was an absolutely impossible mission and yet they accomplished it over and over again. Our mission is to turn around the Sixth Extinction. I believe mankind can do this. But we must come together with one ultimate goal. Every form of life must be respected and protected. We must protect the planet and all that call her “home”. Ever wonder why we have not gone back to the moon in 50 years? Perhaps there is no reason to return to a place where no life exists. Nancy L. Hopkins
6/28/2021 02:38:46 pm
I am a beekeeper. I am going to try this week.
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